Kale, Pear, & Chia Smoothie: Superfoods Unite!

After a weekend of crappy eating (eg. bagels two nights in a row?! Who am I???), I craved, no I NEEDED something clean. Clean and green. Something light, refreshing, and healthy for breakfast…something like a kale smoothie perhaps? Yep, you guessed right…that is exactly what I had in mind. I have been on quite the kale kick lately (for example, my Lemony Kale, Brussel Sprouts, Shrimp & Quinoa dish the other night). And honestly, that’s nothing to be ashamed of…the two bagels this weekend, however…now that is something I should be worried about. Nonetheless, my bagel-consuming weekend led me to this smoothie in the end, so I can’t be too upset.

Kale, Pear, & Chia Smoothie:

Makes 1 nutritious smoothie

1 heaping cup of frozen kale

1/2 banana, sliced

1/2 pear, chopped

6 oz non-fat Greek yogurt

1 Tbsp Chia seeds

2 Tbsp water

1 tsp honey

Combine the ingredients in a blender and blend until you get a creamy, smooth consistency. It’s that easy!

A few tips:

  1. Put the yogurt and banana in first – that way the blender doesn’t freak out when you throw in the frozen kale.
  2. If you have fresh (not frozen kale), use a frozen banana. No frozen banana? No problem! Just use a couple of ice cubes and omit the water.
  3. If this isn’t sweet enough for you, add more honey. Or omit the honey if you’re looking for a sugar-free option. The choice is yours.



So there you have it, folks – my first kale smoothie! And hopefully you’ll be brave enough to try it too.

What are your favorite green smoothie recipes?

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